Music teachers want people to donate “endangered instruments.”

The success of any band starts with the instruments. But sometimes those instruments are really hard to find.
“When I first got here, I didn’t even know what a tuba was,” seventh grader ZayDen Frerichs Walker said.
ZayDen is learning to play tuba in concert band class at Jefferson Junior/Senior High School in Edgewater.
“The fact that he never heard a tuba doesn’t surprise me at all, because it’s not in his world. But now it is,” Jefferson Music Director Nathan Prismon said.
ZayDen has a tuba to play thanks to the Bringing Music to Life instrument drive.
9NEWS partners with Bringing Music to Life, which asks people to donate their used instruments to benefit students in struggling music programs across Colorado. Prismon said his program relies on these donations.
“That’s how our program lives and breathes, and it grows or dies based on how many instruments we have given on any year,” Prismon said.