Rocky Mountain Music Repair repairs our brass and woodwinds, and stores the majority of our instruments. Let us toot their horn and applaud their efforts!

We thank Peter Hellyer of Denver Percussion, Chris Luther of Luther Strings and David Williams of Monkton Guitars for the care and attention to detail they take in repairing our instruments.
Repairs are the greatest expense of the Instrument Drive
We promise that every instrument we award to a school is in excellent playable condition.
Thanks to our repair partners, Denver Percussion, Luther Strings, Monkton Guitars and Rocky Mountain Music Repair, labor costs on repairs are discounted making the average cost just about $165 per instrument. Repair discounts help support our ability to get more instruments to more schools and music programs and, ultimately, more children!
Choose an instrument. Choose an amount. Click on the drum, violin, clarinet or tuba to donate the corresponding amount to our repair fund. Of course many other types of instruments are also repaired.
Or click the gold DONATE button located in the banner at the top of this and every page to help us fulfill our mission of providing every child access to the life-changing experience of making music. We appreciate any and all levels of support. Online donations are easy to track and manage through our donor support portal.
Online donations aren’t for everyone. If you prefer to send us a check, please do! Checks should be made payable to the Bringing Music to Life Repair Fund and mailed to:
Bringing Music to Life Repair Fund
c/o Colorado Nonprofit Development Center
P.O. Box 18770 Denver, CO 80218
Thanks for your generosity.
Bringing Music to Life is a project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center